Metatk Tianji 7050 5G國旗船芯片
67W Superoc

盒子內容:移動主件,67W閃光充電,type-c傳輸線,SIM卡 – 針頭,貼紙保護(屏幕上),重要數據說明(保證卡),快速指南取決於其他信息▲ Redmi 11G 5G 5G 5G RERER NEW ROCE EDUCATED LOGN / BOOK NEW Development Red Envelope is spent on spring festival? Market productivity significantly improved the productivity of the battery and lens. Price – seven thousand. You are not afraid of insufficient budget. and practical. Currently, the price of the channel is 5290 Yue, equipped with 6.5 screens and 4000 fast charging, that is, a rapid charging up to 8000 speeds./ 128 g of version. Channel price is 4.890 and 6,290 years, which costs this money and people who like to predict.他們使用5000億張照片的照片。5億像素。塊狀和4G / 64G和6G / 12G / 128G -4 790和6 290元的價格以獲取先前的處理器-hkhin 700,9.60處理器,客觀油漆的目標塗料超過1300萬。收購手機板橋 收購手機板橋