
News of Mojo Vision’s pivot rather poetically dropped during CES. After years of trying out the latest iteration of the company’s smart contact lens in various Las Vegas hotel suites, I found myself typing up this news sitting in the hallway of the Wynn, waiting to talk to an 手機收購hTC executive about their VR play.

The entire notion of a viable smart contact lens felt like a bit of a pipe dream in those early days — a notion seemingly solidified by those pesky market forces. It was a bold and exciting vision, mind — just one economic and technological forces aren’t quite ready to crack at the moment. The firm announced at the time that it was putting the project on hold and laying off a jaw-dropping 75% of its staff. It also did the thing startups are supposed to do in those sorts of situations: focusing on something more immediately viable to survive treacherous headwinds.

“Although we haven’t had the chance yet to see it ship and to reach its full potential in the marketplace, we have proven that what was once considered science fiction can be developed into a technical reality,” (now former) CEO Drew Perkins wrote at the time. “Even though the pursuit of our vision for Invisible Computing is on hold for now, we strongly believe that there will be a future market for Mojo Lens and expect to accelerate it when the time is right.”

While the news felt like a definitive end, Mojo is making good on its promised pivot. Moving forward, the company is commercializing the micro-LED display tech at the heart of its lenses. This morning it announced a $22.4 million raise that it’s referring to as a “new Series A” (presumably delineated by its major pivot). Still, there are existing backers who believe in the new mission to pony up for this new round, including NEA and Khosla Ventures. New investors include Dolby Family Ventures, Liberty Global Ventures, Fusion Fund, Drew Perkins, Open Field Capital and Edge.

Certainly there’s a much larger addressable market for the component’s tech at the moment — and a more manageable roadmap to boot. Here are some specs/details about the technology from the company:

While Perkins remains an investor, the former SVP and GM of Mojo’s micro-LED business, Nikhil Balram, is stepping into the CEO role. “This round of funding will enable us to deliver our breakthrough monolithic micro-LED technology to customers and help bring high-performance micro-LEDs to market,” he says in the release.

Prior to joining Mojo Vision, Balram served as the CEO of AR company EyeWay Vision and did R&D for various Google hardware projects, including its various AR/VR plays.


▲手機收購hTC U系列新機18日即將發佈。(圖/取自手機收購hTC臉書)


手機收購hTC正式在臉書公告,5月18日將舉行新手機發表會,按官方釋出的圖片及文案,上面的「ARE U READY」也證實將是U系列回歸。

據了解,這款新機將命名為U23 Pro,不過在官方釋出宣傳照之前,先前就已經有網友傳出已經買到工程幾,據傳U23 Pro的處理器將使用高通Snapdragon 7 Gen 1,主相機將具有1億800萬畫素,按規格看屬中高階手機。

手機收購hTC U系列手機中,前代已為2018年的U12+,睽違5年後,U系列宣告再次回歸,讓外界格外關注這家手機大廠的新產品。

手機收購hTC進前主攻元宇宙相關應用,因此降低手機產品布局,去年推出的Desire 22 Pro也並未在市場上引起太多關注,不過按照官方先前釋出訊息,即將發表的下一個手機產品將會是一隻元宇宙手機,因此推斷今年登場的U23 Pro會延伸元宇宙話題,不過會有哪些新應用,就要等5月18日官方正式發布才會揭曉。

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